
Cellular Mobile Phone Operator- Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) – Internet Service Provider (lSP) – PSTN – IPTSP – Call Center – Vehicle Tracking Service (VTS)


Outgoing Calls for Prepaid and PB X users:

Mirnet Mirnet 1 secFree
Mirnet Other IPTSP1 sec0.10
Mirnet Mobile Operators10 sec0.45
Mirnet PSTN 0 be raters 10 sec 0.30
Mirnet IDD 15 sec As per BTRC Rate

incoming calls for all type

From To Pulse Rate/min(BDT)
Mobile, IPTSP, Mirnet,IDEMirnetN/AFree

*15% VAT will be applicable for all charges

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Virtualization is the process of creating a virtual version of something like computer hardware.


VoIP is a technology that delivers voice over the Internet. It is also called IP Telephony, Internet Telephony, and Internet Calling.

Unified Communication

Unified communications (UC) is a business and marketing concept describing the integration of enterprise communication services.
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