
In today’s word, people are always connected to one another despite of being physically dispersed due to smartphones, laptops, tablets, e-readers etc.


In today’s world, people are always connected to one another despite being physically dispersed due to smartphones, laptops, tablets, e-readers, etc. This phenomenon is changing the way IT organizations and users perceive network access and security. 

Mirnet helps to build smart wireless networks through proper consultation and business needs, and/or an indoor/outdoor or mixed wireless environment, adding wireless specific security and granular identity aware access, provisioning add-ons like guest access solution, and building a comprehensive management and monitoring overlay around the solution.

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Radical network automation eliminates errors. Teams focus on strategic initiatives. Single command programs all switch across multiple sites + segmentation +visibility. Low-Cost Disaggregation.

Direct to Home

Mirnet offers home users to get high speed internet connectivity.

ICT Solutions

Mirnet provides the infrastructure and components that enable modern computing to interact in the digital world.
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